2903101200 =1619126900 Filter Element -Atlas Copco

Original price was: $189.0.Current price is: $74.0.

When you are looking for Atlas Copco Air compressors air filters or its element from China, it is true that you will have lots of options. Here you do not only great deal for “genuine Atlas Copco Air filers and/or filters elements” but also the higher quality replacement part.

Atlas Copco Genuineย Air Filter Elementย 2903101200=1619126900ย 

Chengdu Pudding Mechatronic Co.CPMC can offer better price because our company has our own distribution network. You can expect 5-10% cheaper than those middle handlers on third party websites like Alibaba, eBay, Globalsources, Made-in-China, etc. For quick quotation, please send the designated parts numbers, and we will quote back to you in 0.5-23.5 hours.

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    SKU: Atlas Filter Element 2903101200, 1619126900 Categories: , Tag:

    Check out more from the Atlas filtration catalog including air filters, oil filters and air/oil separators parts numbers. If you can not find one air filter element for your Atlas Copco air compressor, please send us the name plate and the spare parts numbers, we will get the right match soon.ย 

    Atlas Copco Air Compressor Air Filters Oilย Filters andย Separator Part Numbers Catalog for your reference.

    Model Air Filter Oil Filter Separator
    GA5 1503019000 1513033700 1513005800
    GA5 From 1998 1613900100 1613610500 N/A
    GA5 From 119500 1613900100 1613610500 1613901400
    GA5 From 145000 1613900100 2903033700 2901052300
    GA5 C From 130000 1613900100 1613610500 1613901400
    GA5 C From 145000 1613900100 1513033700 2903087100
    GA5 VSD From 700000 1613900100 2202929550 2202929450
    GA7 1503019000 1513033700 1513005800
    GA7 From 119500 1613900100 1613610500 1613901400
    GA7 From 145000 1613900100 2903033700 2901052300
    GA7 C From 130000 1613900100 1613610500 1613901400
    GA7 C From 145000 1613900100 1513033700 2903087100
    GA7 VSD From 700000 1613900100 2202929550 2202929450
    GA10 N/A 1513033700 N/A
    GA10 From 119500 1613900100 1613610500 N/A
    GA10 From 145000 1613900100 N/A 2901052300
    GA11 1619126900 1613610500 1612386900
    GA11 From 1993 1619126900 1613610500 1613692100
    GA11 1994 Up To 217791 2903101200 1613610500 2901000401
    GA11 1995 From 217792 2903101200 1613610500 2901034300
    GA11 From 246349 1613872000 1613610500 N/A
    GA11 C 1613900100 1613610500 1613750200
    GA11 C From 119500 1613900100 1613610500 1613901400
    GA11 C From 145000 1613900100 1513033700 N/A
    GA11 C From 255000 1613872000 1613610500 2901077900
    GA11 C From 268500 1613872000 1613610500 2901077901
    GA11 PLUS From 810000 1613872000 1622783600 N/A
    GA11 VSD From 700000 1613900100 2202929550 2202929450
    GA15 1619126900 1613610500 N/A
    GA15 From 1993 1619126900 1613610500 1613692100
    GA15 1994 Up To 217791 N/A 1613610500 2901000401
    GA15 1995 From 217792 2903101200 1613610500 N/A
    GA15 From 2000 1613872000 1613610500 1619972000
    GA15 From 246349 1613872000 1613610500 1613750200
    GA15 C From 255000 1613872000 1613610500 N/A
    GA15 C From 268500 1613872000 1613610500 2901077901
    GA15 PLUS From 810000 1613872000 1613610500 2901196300
    GA15 VSD From 700000 1613872000 N/A N/A
    GA18 1619126900 1613610500 1612386900
    GA18 From 1993 1619126900 1613610500 1613692100
    GA18 1994 Up To 217791 2903101200 1613610500 N/A
    GA18 1995 From 217792 2903101200 1613610500 2901034300
    GA18 From 2000 1613872000 1613610500 1619972000
    GA18 From 246349 1613872000 1613610500 1613750200
    GA18 C From 255000 1613872000 1613610500 2901077900
    GA18 C From 268500 N/A 1613610500 2901077901
    GA18 VSD 1613872000 1613610500 1622051600
    GA18 PLUS From 810000 1613872000 1622783600 2901196300
    GA22 1619126900 1613610500 1612386900
    GA22 From 1993 1619126900 1613610500 N/A
    GA22 1994 Up To 217791 2903101200 1613610500 2901000401
    GA22 1995 From 217792 2903101200 1613610500 2901034300
    GA22 From 2000 1613872000 1613610500 N/A
    GA22 From 246349 1613872000 1613610500 1613750200
    GA22 C From 255000 1613872000 1613610500 2901077900
    GA22 C From 268500 1613872000 1613610500 N/A
    GA22 PLUS From 268500 1613872000 1613610500 2901077901
    GA22 PLUS From 810000 1613872000 N/A 2901196300
    GA22 VSD 297500-420963 1613872000 1613610500 N/A
    GA26 PLUS From 810000 1613872000 1622783600 2901196300
    GA30 1619299700 1613610500 1202641400
    GA30 From 1994 1613740700 1613610500 1613688000
    GA30 1994 Up To 315329 1619299700 1613610500 2901021300
    GA30 GA30 1613740700 1613610500 2901021300
    GA30 1998 From 360000 1613740700 1613610500 2901056600
    GA30 From 810000 1613872000 1622783600 2901196300
    GA30 C From 2000 1613872000 1613610500 1619972000
    GA30 C From 255000 1613872000 1613610500 2901077900
    GA30 C From 268500 1613872000 1613610500 2901077901
    GA30 PLUS From 507438 1613740800 1622314280 2901162600
    GA30 PLUS 2006 From 591000 1613740700 1622314280 2901164300
    GA30 VSD 1613740800 1613610500 1613839700
    GA37 1619299700 1613610500 N/A
    GA37 From 1994 1613740700 1613610500 N/A
    GA37 1994 Up To 315329 1619299700 1613610500 2901021300
    GA37 From 315330 1613740700 1613610500 N/A
    GA37 1998 From 360000 1613740700 1613610500 2901056600
    GA37 2006 From 591000 1613740700 1622314280 2901164300
    GA37 โ€“ 7.5 Bar 1613740800 1613610500 1613839700
    GA37 โ€“ 10 Bar 1613740700 1613610500 2901138900
    GA37 โ€“ 13 Bar N/A 1613610500 2901056600
    GA37 PLUS From 507438 1613740800 1622314280 2901162600
    GA37 VSD 1613740800 1613610500 1613839700
    GA37 VSD From 572446 1613740800 1622314280 1622507280 N/A
    GA45 1619284700 1613610500 N/A
    GA45 From 1994 1619284700 1613610500 1613688000
    GA45 From 1995 1613740800 1613610500 1613730600
    GA45 1994 Up To 315329 1619284700 1613610500 2901021300
    GA45 From 315330 1613740800 1613610500 2901021300
    GA45 1998 From 360000 1613740800 1613610500 2901056600
    GA45 2006 From 591000 1613740700 N/A N/A
    GA45 โ€“ 7.5 Bar 1613740800 1613610500 1613839700
    GA45 โ€“ 10 Bar 1613740800 1613610500 N/A
    GA45 โ€“ 13 Bar 1613740700 1613610500 2901056600
    GA45 PLUS From 507438 1613740800 1622314280 N/A
    GA45 VSD From 572446 1613740800 1622314280 N/A
    GA50 1998 From 350000 1613740800 1613610500 N/A
    GA50 VSD 1613740800 1613610500 N/A
    GA55 1619279800 1613610500 1202741900
    GA55 From 1995 1613740800 1613610500 N/A
    GA55 1996 From 460001 1613740800 1613610500 N/A
    GA55 From 2000 1613950100 1613610500 1613955900
    GA55 From 507438 1622185501 1622314280 2901162600
    GA55 C 1613740800 1613610500 1613800700
    GA55 C From 471000 N/A 1613610500 1613955900
    GA55 PLUS From 2005 1613950300 N/A N/A
    GA55 VSD From 572446 1622185501 1622314280 2901162600
    GA75 1613950100 1613610500 1202741900
    GA75 From 1995 N/A 1613610500 1613730600
    GA75 1996 From 460001 N/A 1613610500 1613800700
    GA75 From 2000 1613950300 1613610500 1613984000
    GA75 From 471000 1613950300 1613610500 N/A
    GA75 From 507438 N/A 1622314280 N/A
    GA75 C From 474000 1613950300 1613610500 2901085800
    GA75 PLUS From 2005 1613950300 1622365280 1622460180 N/A
    GA75 PLUS N/A N/A 2901056622
    GA75 VSD 1613950300 1622365280 1622460180 N/A
    GA75 VSD From 493000 1613950300 1613610500 N/A
    GA90 1030097900 1613610500 1614642300 2906075100
    GA90 1999 From 056813 1621054700 1613610500 2906056400
    GA90 PLUS From 2005 1613950300 1622365280 1622460180 2901056622
    GA90 โ€“ 5.2-5.5 Bar 1621737600 1621737800 N/A
    GA90 โ€“ 6.9-8.6 Bar 1621737600 1621737800 2906095500
    GA90 โ€“ 10-14 Bar 1621737600 1621737800 2906095400
    GA90 C 1613800400 1613950300 1613610500 1613610500 1613800700 2901085800
    GA90 VSD 1613950300 1613950300 1622365280 1622460180 1613610500 2901056622 1613955900 1613727700
    GA100 1619126900 1613610500 2901000300
    GA110 1030097900 1621054700 1621054700 1621737600 1613610500 1613610500 1613610500 1621737800 N/A
    GA110 โ€“ 10-14 Bar 1621737600 1621737800 N/A
    GA110 PLUS 1621737600 1621737800 2906095500
    GA110 PLUS 10-14 Bar 1621737600 1621737800 2906095400
    GA111 up to 122 1619126900 1613610500 1612386900
    GA132 1030097900 1621054700 1613610500 1613610500 1613610500 1614642300 2906056500
    GA132 โ€“ 5.2-5.5 Bar 1621737600 N/A N/A
    GA132 โ€“ 6.9-8.6 Bar 1621737600 1621737800 2906095500
    GA132 โ€“ 10-14 Bar 1621737600 1621737800 N/A
    GA160 1030097900 1621054700 1621574200 1613610500 1613610500 1613610500 1614642300 2906075200
    GA160 โ€“ 5.2-5.5 Bar 1621737600 1621737800 2906095600
    GA160 โ€“ 6.9-8.6 Bar 1621737600 1621737800 N/A
    GA160 โ€“ 10-14 Bar N/A 1621737800 2906095400
    GA180 VSD 1621054700 1621574200 1613610500 1613610500 2906075200
    GA200 1030097900 1621054700 1614727300 1613610500 1614905600
    GA200 From 2000 1621054700 1614727300 2906058800
    GA200 From 2006 1621574200 1614727300 2906075300
    GA200 From 2008 N/A 1614727300 N/A
    GA207 up to 210 1030107000 1613610500 1613243300
    GA230 N/A 1613610500 1614532900
    GA237 1619299700 1613610500 N/A
    GA250 1030097900 1619279800 1614727300 1614704800 2906058800
    GA307 up to 310 1030107000 1613610500 N/A
    GA315 1030097900 N/A 1614704800
    GA315 From 2000 1621054700 1614727300 N/A
    GA315 GA315 1621574200 1614727300 2906075300
    GA315 VSD 1621054700 1614727300 2906058800
    GA315 VSD From 2006 1621574200 1614727300 N/A
    GA345 1619284700 1613610500 1202834300
    GA355 1619279800 1613610500 N/A
    GA375 1619279800 1613610500 1202834300
    GA407 up to 410 1030107000 1613610500 1613243300
    GA450 1621054700 1614727300 N/A
    GA450 From 2006 1621574200 1613610500 2906075300
    GA507 up to 510 N/A 1613610500 N/A
    GA607 upto 710 1030107000 1613610500 2901008500
    GA807 up to 1110 1621054700 1613610500 2906002000
    GA1207 up to 1410 1621054700 1613610500 2911001700
    GAH 115 1619126900 1613610500 2901000300
    GAH 118 1619126900 1613610500 2901000300
    GAH 122 N/A 1613610500 2901000300
    GAU15 up to 40 1619126900 N/A N/A
    GAU307 up to 509 1030107000 1613610500 2901007800
    GAU607 up to 709 1030107000 1613610500 2901008500
    GAU807 up to 1409 1621054700 1613610500 N/A
    GR110 up to 200 1621054700 1621054700 1202804000 N/A
    GR620 1030107000 1202804000 2901007800
    GR1120 1621054700 1202804000 2906002000
    GR1520 N/A 1202804000 2911001700
    GX2 1622065800 1513033700 N/A
    GX3 1622065800 1513033700 2903062301
    GX4 1622065800 1513033700 2903062301
    GX5 1613900100 1613900100 1613900100 1613610500 1513033700 1613610500 1622024500 2903087100 2903087100
    GX7 1613900100 1613610500 1622024500
    GX7 Up to 619999 1613900100 1513033700 2903087100
    GX7 From 620000 1613900100 1613610500 2903087100
    GX11 N/A 1613610500 1622024500
    GX11 Up to 619999 1613900100 1513033700 2903087100
    GX11 From 620000 1613900100 1613610500 2903087100
    GX15 1613872000 1613610500 N/A
    GX18 1613872000 1613610500 2903035101
    GX22 1613872000 1613610500 2903035101 N/A N/A

    Our email address: sales@aircompressorstrade.com


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    Here are the answers to the frequently asked questions from our customers abroad. Should you have any further questions or concerns on air compressors, spare parts, tools, welcome to leave your questions. Our sales consultants will try best to address every of your concerns. Thank you for choosing Chengdu Pudding Mechatronic Co.,CPMC (ๆˆ้ƒฝๆฒ›ไธๆœบ็”ต่ฎพๅค‡ๆœ‰้™ๅ…ฌๅธ/Chengdu Peiding Mechatronic Co., Ltd.)

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    We have been trying best to bring the most competitive prices to our international buyers, however some of our online prices are probably not updated for quite a while and our factories may increase or decrease our distribution prices without prior notice far in advance. So if you feel you may get a cheaper price for a designated compressor or spare part, please send us detailed requirements with specifications such as name plate, parts numbers, pictures, etc. We will answer you with great prices via email SOON.

    Yes, of course, we double check all the specified items you purchase from us before and during the packing. Further more, if requested, additional insurance can be inclusive for the China mainland and/or international shipping.

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    Yes, we have been working in international trade business for years. We have a bunch of shippers/ forwarders and companies all of which have all necessary export licenses thus we can provide the customs declaration and ship the goods out to you. We are able to provide you the competitve quotation based on incoterms FOB, CIF to DDP, etc.

    We have been in air compressors and spare parts sales and services for many years. We know the China domestic and international markets and the products quality level in the field. We know how competitive we can be during and after the COVID19 world wide situation. All our sales service staff have working experiences in selling air compressors, spare parts and industrial tools on Alibaba or AliExpress. Most important, we have valuable and unbeatable onsite field working experience for many models of the compressors and mining and drilling equipment, not only for Atlas Copco, but for Sullair, Ingersoll Rand, Epiroc and so on.

    Please be patient to expect your package which should arrive safely according to schedule in regular basis, however the worldwide COVID19 is still unstable in some regions of the world, and this may infect the China international shipping time. If this product is for virus protection purposes and if the coronavirus (COVID-19) will affect your purchase delivery, it will, anyhow, get to you after the necessary custom procedure.ย 

    Feel free to ask your questions you may have, and we will update our answers in couple of hours generally.

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    Canada Trade Supply CTS Inc. was established with a vision to provide international buyers competitive prices for world famous air compressors and the related GENUINE ORIGINALย spare parts, air tools, woodworking tools & hardware products with professional consultancy and sales service. Based in Canada and China, running our own network www.canadatradesupply.com and AirCompressorsTrade.Com, we consistently strive to become one of the most influential DIRECT online supplier rather than those middle handlers on third platform like Alibaba, Made-in-China or Globalsources, Ebay, Amazon or Shopify.ย 

    Canada Trade Supply Inc Main Business Divisions:

    Our business main lines

    • Mining, Drilling and Construction Equipment and Parts (Epiroc, Sandvik, Cummins, Komatsu, Caterpillar, Sunward, Volvo, etc), SEW EURODRIVE Products, Compressors (+Air Dryers) and the Spare Parts of all types & brands such as Atlas Copco, Sullair, Ingersoll Rand, Doosan, CompAir, GD, etc;
    • Genuine Original parts for above brands for stationary compressors and portable mobile compressors plus the Atlas Copco Vacuum Pumps Original Parts; SEW, Honeywell, Mann Filters, Siemens, Eaton, Schneider Electricย ABB, Konecrane Parts, Ametek Land, etc;ย 
    • Second hand equipment (upon RFQs)
    • Woodworking Tools and Wooden Products in Northern America, South America
    • Mechanical power transmission industry products

    Canada Trade Supply Inc., together with CPMC China whole supply team work closely with many world reputable manufactures, and the related OEM factories, inner Chanel resources home and abroad. International buyers can expect betterย prices from us than purchasing from third party platforms, meanwhile we ensure “100% Genuine products” with reliable delivery.

    World Famous Air Compressors Brands and other Topย Notchย Brand We Serve

    • Atlas Copco, Epiroc, Sandvik
    • Sullair
    • Ingersoll Rand
    • CompAir
    • Doosan
    • Gardner Denver
    • SEWย 
    • Honeywell
    • Hitachi, Kobelkoย 
    • Honeywell, Mann Filters, Siemens, Eaton, Schneider Electricย ABB, CAT, Konecrane Parts, Ametek Land, etc
    Canada Trade Supply Inc team strive for offering all kinds of Genuine original spares parts like: Airend, motors (ABB, Caterpillar, Cummins, Kubota, Siemens motors), air filter, oil filter, air and oil separator, bearings (SKF, KOYO, NTN, NSK, FAG, etc), belts (continental, Gates, MBL, etc), lubricating oil, maintenance service kit, intake valve, check valve, oil-cut valve, safety valve, minimum pressure valve (MPV), auto drain valve, pressure regulator valve, solenoid valve, temperature sensor, pressure sensor, cooler, fans assembly, fan motors, gears set, housing bearings, air tools, woodworking tools of blades, etc.ย 

    CTS Inc & CPMC China Global Supply Chain for Global Buyers

    Our compressors, spare parts, and tools customers are from around the globe, and here are just a few of them: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Cyprus, South Korea, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guiana, and African countries such as Nigeria, Kenya, Zambia, South Africa, etc, South American Countries: Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, etc, and the USA, Canada, Spain, France, Italy, Russia, etc few European countries. Learn more about Canada Trade Supply Inc – Global Supply Chain Management!

    About Canada Trade Supply Inc. (Legal notice)

    Canada Trade Supply Inc. (CTS) is an independent supplier offering Air Compressors, mining & drilling equipment, Genuine Parts, for international buyers. Our mission is to provide overseas buyers with Epiroc Drilling Equipment Parts, air compressors and related parts, air tools and woodworking tools with discounted offers. However ย CTS Inc and CPMC are not affiliated with most manufacturers mentioned on this website. Genuine Original Parts or the Original Equipment Manufacturer’s trademarks belong to each manufacturer. CanadaTradeSupply.com and AirCompressorsTrade.com make no claims of special affiliation with or special sanctions by the original manufacturers or the respective trademarks.

    Thank you for contacting us, Canada Trade Supply Inc, with office in Vancouver and China, our service team will get back to you in 0.5-23.5hours!

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