Atlas Copco GHS 350 VSD+, GHS 585 VSD+,GHS 730 VSD+,GHS 900 VSD+ Genuine Parts
1630203000 Vacuum fluid basic (20L) (Mineral)
1630112600 Vacuum fluid (20L) (Synthetic)
1630112601 Vacuum fluid ultra (20L) (Synthetic)
1630112602 Vacuum fluid foodgrade (20L)
3001400003 Filter kit GHS 350 VSD+
1625390257 Oil filter
1625390296 Oil separator element
1625390408 Inlet filter element
1622065800 Filter element
9820726238 Instruction
3001400004 Filter kit GHS 350 VSD+ Turbo, GHS 585 VSD+
1625390257 Oil filter
1625390296 Oil separator element
1625390408 Inlet filter element
1622065800 Filter element
9820726238 Instruction
3001400005 Filter kit GHS 585 VSD+ Turbo, GHS 730 VSD+
1625390257 Oil filter
1625390296 Oil separator element
1625390408 Inlet filter element
1622065800 Filter element
9820726238 Instruction
3001400006 Filter kit GHS 730 VSD+ Turbo, GHS 900 VSD+
1625390257 Oil filter
1625390296 Oil separator element
1625390408 Inlet filter element
1622065800 Filter element
9820726238 Instruction
3001400011 Cubicle ventilation kit
1089955661 Filter
9820726241 Instruction
3001400012 Thermostat kit
1622706406 Thermostatic valve 83°C
0663210195· O-ring
9820726240· Instruction
3001400013 Thermostat kit HWHCAP
1622706407· Thermostatic valve 87°C
0663210195· O-ring
9820726240· Instruction
3001400014 Vacuum control valve kit
1622369000 Bushing
1625390153 Seal
0663712000 O-ring
1625390263 Membrane
0661102000 Plain washer
9090050800 Silencer
1625390154 Spring
663210616 O-ring
663715000 O-ring
1625390309 Valve
1625390151 Plate
9820726242 Instruction
3001400015 Lipseal kit
1625390135 Bushing
1625390476 Lipseal retainer assembly
0663715300 O-ring
9820726243 Instruction
3001400016 Mounting kit (element)
066371500 O-ring
0663210657 O-ring
0663210667 O-ring
0663713700 O-ring
0663210322 O-ring
3001400017 GHS 350 VSD+
3001400017 GHS 350 VSD+ Turbo
3001400017 GHS 585 VSD+
3001400019 GHS 585 VSD+ Turbo
3001400019 GHS 730 VSD+
3001400019 GHS 730 VSD+ Turbo
3001400019 GHS 900 VSD+
1092234518 Motor fan CHN
1625390472 Motor fan export
1625390159 Pad
1079147206 Bolt
1625396371 Coupling housing
0147136403 Hex.bolt
0301234400 Washer
0663715300 O-ring
1625396400 Cover
00147132303 Hex.bolt
0663210322 O-ring
101195140 Dowell pin
0663210784 O-ring
1625390292 Oil injection nozzle
147132003 Hexagon bolt
1625390135 Bushing
1616647000 Seal lip
337605100 Parallel key
1625390139 Clamping ring
147140803 Hexagon bolt
1625390280 Coupling
1625390138· Spider coupling
1625390161 Housing
0663210657 O-ring
0663210667 O-ring
0211136503 Cap screw
0211196474 Cap screw
0686371816 Plug
1625390110 Pipe
0663713700 O-ring
0301234400 Washer
211136303 Screw
1616811890 Element
1619603200· SPM nipple
0147196264 Bolt
581202592 Fitting pipe
70600276 Plastic tube
1625390065 Support
0147196308 Screw
1625390198 Plate
0147196308 Screw
0147196419 Hexagon bolt
1625390142 GHS 350 VSD+
1625390142 GHS 350 VSD+ Turbo
1625390142 GHS 585 VSD+
1625390143 GHS 585 VSD+ Turbo
1625390143 GHS 730 VSD+
1625390144 GHS 730 VSD+ Turbo
1625390144 GHS 900 VSD+
1625390472· Motor fan
1619603200· SPM nipple
5541212300 Screw
337711000 Parallel key
1625390433 Baffle assy
1079147206 Bolt
1092903234 7.5kw
1092903220 11kw
1092903231 15kw
1079147206 Bolt
0697980904 Lock nut
1625390454 Vessel assembly
301233500 Plain washer
0266211000 Nut
0333322700 Lock washer
1613896712 Grounding wire
226030100 Tapping screw
0663212008 O-ring
1625390256 Shield
1625390296 GHS 350VSD+
1625390296 GHS 350VSD+ Turbo
1625390296 GHS 580VSD+
1625390296 GHS 580VSD+ Turbo
1625390296 GHS 730VSD+
1625390296 GHS 730VSD+ Turbo
1625390296 GHS 900VSD+
1625390297 GHS 350VSD+
1625390297 GHS 350VSD+ Turbo
1625390297 GHS 580VSD+
1625390297 GHS 580VSD+ Turbo
1625390297 GHS 730VSD+
0663212008 O-ring
301233500 Plain washer
147132803 Hexagon bolt
0663713700 O-ring
1625390445 Outlet pipe
1079147206 Bolt
0686371815 Plug
1625390407 Air filter
1625390408 filter element
0147196429 Hexagon bolt
1625390258 Pipe
0663211316 O-ring
266211200 Nut
300013018 Washer
686371812 Plug
2236002500 Air filter
605830048 Bushing
301234400 Washer
0147136303 Hex.bolt
0663715000 O-ring
0147140303 Hexagon bolt
0300013018 Washer
0581202592 Fitting pipe
070600276 Plastic tube
1625390264 Housing
1622369002 Bushing
1625390153 Seal
663712000 O-ring
1625390268 Disc
1625390263 Membrane
1625390267 Plate
0661102000 Sealing washer
9090050800 Silencer
1625390451 Nut
1625390154 Spring
1625390403 Cover
147196069 Hex.bolt
261211200 Hexagon nut
1625390389 Piston
0663210616 O-ring
0663715000 O-ring
1625390309 Valve
1625390151 Plate
0147132603 Screw
0147195889 Hexagon bolt
1079990385 Label
580001736 Fitting pipe
1625390140 Hose assy
580001736 Fitting pipe
1625390077 GHS 350 VSD+
1625390077 GHS 350 VSD+ Turbo
1625390077 GHS 585 VSD+
1625390075 GHS 585 VSD+ Turbo
1625390075 GHS 730 VSD+
1625390068 GHS 730 VSD+ Turbo
1625390068 GHS 900 VSD+
215001016 Screw set
580001736 Fitting pipe
1625390140 Hose assy
0580001736 Fitting pipe
1625424900 CHN
1092234518 Export
215001016 Screw set
1625390219 GHS 350 VSD+
1625390219 GHS 350 VSD+ Turbo
1625390219 GHS 585 VSD+
1625390085 GHS 585 VSD+ Turbo
1625390085 GHS 730 VSD+
0580001736 Fitting pipe
1625390176 Hose assy
580001736 Fitting pipe
1625426000 Hexagon nipple
1625390257 Oil filter
0663211343 O-ring
1625390127 Scavenge line
0583812100 Fitting pipe
070725004 Plastic tube
583812100 Fitting pipe
0663713600 O-ring
1625390157 Housing
0301233500 Plain washer
0147132303 Hex.bolt
1079147206 Bolt
852001150 Ball valve
583812103 Fitting pipe
70600269 Tube
1513016800 Sight glass
663210215 O-ring
1202899200 Plug
583814073 Fitting pipe
70725007 Plastic tube
1622706406 Thermostatic valve
0663210195 O-ring
1614611800 Flange
301232100 Plain washer
0147124603 Hex.bolt
1079147206 Bolt
1900520013 Elektronikon MK5 graphic
0147116903 Hex.bolt
301231500 Washer
1089031005 GHS 350 VSD+ Turbo
1089031005 GHS 585 VSD+ Turbo
1089031005 GHS 730 VSD+ Turbo
0147120803 Screw
1092200885 Export
1625390222 Metal sheet assembly
1625390030 Wire harness
1625390277 Pressure sensor
9820726220 Service diagram
1625480400 Communication cable
1625390181 Converter frame
1625396301 Converter assembly
1092903260 Converter 7.5kW
1089933976 EMC-filter
1625390460 Bracket emc filter
1089958729 DC line filter
1089955115 Circuit breaker
1089955133 Circuit breaker
1089960210 Connection block circuit breaker
1089966406 Aux. Switch
1089960234 Contactor
1089951456 Control transformer
1089951338 Emergency stop button
1089951330 Contact block
1089951328 Holder
1088003993 Terminal block
1088003995 Terminal block
1088006107 Terminal bridge
1088003730 Female connector end terminal
1088003181 End terminal
1088003132 Connector
1088100101 Warning label
1089955661 Air inlet with filter
0698514075 Cable gland
0697980924 Nut
0697980924 Nut
0698514071 Cable gland
0697980920 Nut
0697980913 Nut
2203052700 Data label
991801109 Raceway
991801109 Raceway
1089948704 Ferric coil
583810104 Coupling
1625422304 Din rail
0698514869 Cable gland
1625390670 Pressure switch
1089058017 Solenoid valve
1625390447 Bracket valve
0823009051 Non return valve
0560440115 T-coupling
0583812081 Elbow coupling
1092200885 Export
1625390222 Metal sheet assembly
1625390030 Wire harness
1625390277 Pressure sensor
9820726220 Service diagram
1625480400 Communication cable
1625390181 Converter frame
1625396301 Converter assembly
1092903260 Converter 7.5kW
1089933976 EMC-filter
1625390460 Bracket emc filter
1089958729 DC line filter
1089955115 Circuit breaker
1089955133 Circuit breaker
1089960210 Connection block circuit breaker
1089966406 Aux. Switch
1089960234 Contactor
1089951456 Control transformer
1089951338 Emergency stop button
1089951330 Contact block
1089951328 Holder
1088003993 Terminal block
1088003995 Terminal block
1088006107 Terminal bridge
1088003730 Female connector
1088003181 End terminal
1088003132 Connector
1088100101 Warning label
1089955661 Air inlet with filter
0698514075 Cable gland
0697980924 Nut
0697980924 Nut
0698514071 Cable gland
0697980920 Nut
0697980913 Nut
2203052700 Data label
991801109 Raceway
991801109 Raceway
1089948704 Ferric coil
583810104 Coupling
1625422304 Din rail
0698514869 Cable gland
1625390670 Pressure switch
1089058017 Solenoid valve
1625390447 Bracket valve
823009051 Non return valve
560440115 T-coupling
583812081 Elbow coupling
1625390241 Frame
348010211 Cable tie
1625390442 Panel
1079147206 Bolt
1625390356 Grating
1625390372 Plug
1092902314 Panel
1079147206 Bolt
1092903225 Roof
215001013 Screw
1625390053 Door
1622767300 Lock
1079990348 Warning label
1079993144 Decal
1625390427 Back panel
1622767300 Lock
1625390430 Front panel
1622767300 Lock
0690111601 Logotype
1625390450 Decal
1625390219 Plate
1619275800 Seal
1088080327 Grommet
0698015000 Grommet Seal
1619518800 Bolt
1625426280 Duct Seal Lock nut
1619384300 1619 3843 00
291111000 0291 1110 00
1625426482 Protection
1079990118 Warning label
1625390441 Support fan duct
1079147206 Bolt
215001016 Screw
1625390381 GHS 350 VSD+
1625390382 GHS 585 VSD+
1625390383 GHS 730 VSD+
1625390384 GHS 900 VSD+
1625390385 GHS 350 VSD+ Turbo
1625390386 GHS 585 VSD+ Turbo
1625390387 GHS 730 VSD+ Turbo
1092200856 Dataplate