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3715082000 Atlas Copco Epiroc Genuine Parts Catalog By CPMC China

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Looking to purchase genuine spare parts at a highly competitive price? Search no further than Chengdu Pudding Mechatronic Co. (CPMC) – a reliable and fast-growing Chinese Air Compressor and Spare Parts Distribution Website. Here, let’s present you 3715082000 and related Genuine Original Parts Catalog for your reference. Not only do we specialize in Atlas Copco, but also we offer customers a vast selection of spare parts for other top brands, including Ingersoll Rand, Sullair, and many more. Our prices are unbeatable, without ever compromising on quality.

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    Compressor Spare Parts Catalog

    Parts Number Parts Name Parts Name
    3715082000 cap
    3176531300 cap
    3222301799 Relays 继电器
    5726802459 Start the relay 启动继电器
    3222320886 Relief valve 减压阀
    3715059900 Plugs 堵头
    3715082100 Plugs 堵头
    3176556300 Plugs 堵头
    3715059800 stop up
    5726803234 Maintenance kits 保养包
    3222327535 Diesel fine filtration 柴油细滤
    SpiraxSAE90 Gear oil 4L 齿轮油4L
    89009051 Impactor connector 冲击器连接器
    5726801622 washer 垫圈
    KQG150-02.01.27 hood 风帽
    52301041 Fan sensor 风扇传感器
    52302015 Fan speed control valve 风扇转速控制阀
    52324910 Load sensing valve 负载传感阀
    10369291 Cover plate 盖板
    51997088 Cylinder liners 缸套
    39915699 High and low pressure dampers 高低压风阀
    823333532 Needle rolling 滚针
    103551439 Rear cover 后盖板
    51307874 Butter tip Rig rotary fan motor 黄油枪头
    CM341 Slewing motor blades 钻机回转风马达
    103700069 transmission shaft 回转马达叶片
    313-3997 piston ring 传动轴
    197-9257 Hydraulic transmission valve 活塞环
    224-3405 heat exchanger 油压传动阀
    236-8745 Plain bearings (crankbearings) 热交换器
    211-0588 Valve seat inserts (valve guide oil seals) 滑动轴承(曲轴瓦)
    300-3566 Connect the rubber tray 1 气门座圈(气门导管油封)
    3222332265 Oil pan gasket 连接胶盘1
    109-5308 seal 油底壳密封垫
    6V-7350 Dust collection hose 密封
    3222307112 Dust collection hose 收尘软管
    3222312615 Lower seal 收尘软管
    272-0389 seal 下密封
    38-0623 seal 密封
    9S-8002 Rear crankshaft oil seal 密封
    226-4757 T106 tubing 后曲轴油封
    574606311 Y250 cable T106油管
    3222330244 1000H floating head maintenance kit Y250电缆
    4350258460 X30:3. cable 1000H浮动头保养包
    3176000470 Air compressor air filter X30:3.电缆
    5726809421 Shock valves 空压机空气滤芯
    5726807804 Rotary head hermetically sealed 冲击阀
    52135159 Seal on the swivel head 回转头气密封
    52135100 Slewing head locking sleeve 回转头上密封
    52126091 Seal under the swivel head 回转头锁定套
    51991081 piston 回转头下密封
    530090520 Dust collector duct (end section) 活塞
    52322807 Dust collector duct (first section) 集尘器风管(末段)
    52136868 Dust collector duct (middle section) 集尘器风管(首段)
    52306693 Integrator fan 集尘器风管(中间段)
    52304482 Relays 集成器风扇
    51913077 Relays 继电器
    52283330 Proximity switch 继电器
    51780575 Check valve for feed module 接近开关
    51874444 Feed module solenoid 进给模块单向阀
    51785889 Engine oil pump 进给模块电磁线圈
    3222324646 Air conditioning belts 发动机机油泵
    367100013 Solenoid Valve(1) 空调皮带
    3177309280 Solenoid Valve(2) 电磁阀(1)
    3177309283 Hydraulic lock 电磁阀(2)
    886070420 Clamps 液压锁
    3217055200 Complete set of wearing parts 卡箍
    858953003 Filter 成套易损件
    3222300630 handle 滤芯
    5726809790 Feed module valve assembly 手柄
    52309358 Feed module valve assembly 进给模块阀组件
    52326477 Inflatable hose 进给模块阀组件
    3115182180 Engine air filter 充气软管
    5112306566 Gas cylinder pressure regulator 发动机空滤外
    3115064600 Tank cover 气瓶压力调节器
    3222290119 Air compressor air filter 水箱盖
    5112305741 Lube oil pump 空压机空滤内
    3214749900 Air compressor air filter outside 润滑油泵
    5112305740 Inside the engine air filter 空压机空滤外
    5112306567 Oil filter 发动机空滤内
    3216921404 RRR11 tubing 油滤
    574006550 RRD2 tubing RRR11油管
    574006455 RRR2 tubing RRD2油管
    574006437 Feed module control valve RRR2油管
    52314531 The feed module seals the assembly 进给模块控制阀
    51919391 The feed module seals the assembly 进给模块密封组件
    51919397 The feed module seals the assembly 进给模块密封组件
    52326535 The feed module seals the assembly 进给模块密封组件
    52326543 Feed handle 进给模块密封组件
    52326253 Feed pressure switch 进给手柄
    51716017 Clasp 进给压力开关
    KQG150A-02.03.07 switch 卡环
    57698920 Housing 开关
    51991479 Air conditioning switch 壳体
    52331196 Air conditioning belts 空调开关
    52319589 Air compressor intake valve seal 空调皮带
    39329719 Coupling 空压机进气阀密封
    35834795 Air compressor oil thermostat 联轴器
    57705113 Quick rotation solenoid valve 空压机油节温器
    52324910 Cooling fan 快速旋转电磁阀
    52306875 Link pins 冷却风扇
    52080140 Link welded plates 链接销
    52080132 Chain connectors 链节焊接板
    52080173 Chain connectors 链连接片
    52080181 Track shoes 链连接片
    530090305 Track shoes 履带板
    57700874 Track shoe nuts 履带板
    57700858 Track shoe nuts 履带板螺母
    810013912 Track shoe bolts 履带板螺母
    57700886 vitta 履带板螺栓
    574325711 vitta 油管
    574325711 RRD4 tubing 油管
    574129411 RRR1 tubing RRD4油管
    574325811 RRD11 tubing RRR1油管
    3176633600 Exhaust pipe connection pipe RRD11油管
    3222326769 Start the motor 排气管连接管
    9771082119 Start the machine 启动马达
    207-1541 Power head pinion 启动机
    4350265105 Track shoe bolts 动力头小齿轮
    800512040 Pulse solenoid valve 履带板螺栓
    52327111 Pulse valve 脉冲电磁阀
    52327095 Sealing rings (rotary motors) 脉冲阀
    103449733 Sealing rings (rotary motors) 密封圈(回转马达)
    103698958 Distribution valves 密封圈(回转马达)
    51793693 Start button 配流阀
    51607315 Start drill pipe 起动按扭
    51985893 Brazing head 起始钻杆
    219221510 Front connector 钎头
    51991495 Jaw cylinder sealing assembly 前接头
    51944502 DTH impactor 钳口油缸密封组件
    51983120 Fuel tank sensor 潜孔冲击器
    52313855 Over-connectors 燃油油箱传感器
    53000012 cable 过度接头
    3176464321 Advance pressure switch 电缆
    3222316254 handle 进尺压力开关
    150994557 Pressure regulator 手柄
    1626105281 tyre 调压阀
    538040019 washer 轮胎
    5726801181 Lock nut 垫圈
    291112822 Lock washer 锁紧螺母
    3315019508 With flanged bearings 锁紧垫圈
    500450016 Pin shaft 带法兰盘轴承
    5726801206 Locate the screws 销轴
    190132300 RHP2 hydraulic hose 定位螺丝
    574006622 Control harnesses RHP2液压油管
    57268023 Solenoid valve 控制线束
    3177309288 Lifting reducer assembly 电磁阀
    CM341 Handle valve 升降减速器总成
    52325966 Handle switch 手柄阀
    52322542 Handle switch 手柄开关
    52322559 Handle switch 手柄开关
    52322567 Handle switch 手柄开关
    52326238 Handle assembly 手柄开关
    52321072 Speed switch 手柄组件
    57179616 Locking sleeves, Caliper control switch 速度开关
    52330982 Locking sleeve large copper sleeve 锁定套、卡钳控制开关
    52126117 Locking sleeve small copper sleeve 锁定套大铜套
    57661191 Lifting chain 锁定套小铜套
    833201315 Propel gearbox 提升链条
    500150000 Advance the pressure reducing valve 推进减速箱
    841001553 Slewing motor 推进减压阀
    3115350781 Valve chamber cover 回转马达
    342-7923 Y350AB cable 气门室盖
    3146464321 Turbocharger pad Y350AB电缆
    274-6851 Oil cylinder 涡轮增压器垫
    3222323125 Elbows 油缸
    440-2907 Hydraulic oil pump 弯管
    3121210119 Oil pump motor 液压油泵
    3121210012 Water temperature sensor 油泵马达
    3176000290 Cooling water radiator 水温传感器
    3222331379 Distribution valve sealing 冷却水散热器
    9120092019 Distribution valve sealing 分配阀密封
    9106130507 Distribution valve sealing 分配阀密封
    9120092038 Distribution valve sealing 分配阀密封
    1261100006 Propulsion motor (TMH2A) 分配阀密封
    840205030 Thrust needle roller bearings 推进马达(TMH2A)
    150876929 Lower transition connector 推力滚针轴承
    530000007 silencer 下过渡接头
    842422500 pin 消声器
    813205025 Pin shaft
    530020207 Walking/drilling selector switch 销轴
    52094232 Walking siren 行走/钻孔选择开关
    51992535 Walking balance switch 行走警报器
    57179608 Walking handle 行走平衡开关
    52325990 Walking handle valve seal group 行走手柄
    52325982 Walking handle switch 行走手柄阀密封组
    52326063 Walking handle switch 行走手柄开关
    52326097 Travel handle control valve 行走手柄开关
    52311552 Distribution valve sealing 行走手柄控制阀
    9120092016 Distribution valve sealing 分配阀密封
    3222330264 Distribution valve sealing 分配阀密封
    3177000047 Distribution valve sealing 分配阀密封
    1261100057 Oil seals 分配阀密封
    113-5304 Oil seals 油封
    341-1429 Oil seals 油封
    224-6361 Oil seals 油封
    229-8810 Oil seals 油封
    131-3718 Oil seals 油封
    117-8801 Oil seals 油封
    5P-8211 Oil seals 油封
    061-9458 Oil pan pads 油封
    217-3673 Oil seals 油底壳垫
    238-5084 Travel pilot valve regulator bolt 油封
    52320785 Walking one-time reducer (right) 行走先导阀调压螺栓
    540050000 Rotate the handle assembly 行走一次减速机(右)
    52325974 Pressure gauge 旋转手柄总成
    51782415 Pressure switch 压力表
    51910867 Hydraulic pump drives the chain 压力开关
    CM341 Hydraulic regulator 液压泵驱动链条
    530090503 Hydraulic filter seat clamp 液压调节器
    57698714 Hydraulic lock 液压滤清座夹块
    CM341 Hydraulic oil pump 液压锁
    881241401 Hydraulic oil thermostat 液压油泵
    52320231 Hydraulic oil filter blocking sensor switch 液压油节温器
    57435430 Hydraulic oil temperature sensor 液压油滤阻塞传感开关
    51618346 Rig holding ring 液压油温度传感器
    HD55-13 Rig hold ring O-ring 钻机保持环
    HD55-12 Rig cartridge sleeve 钻机保持环O型圈
    HD55-14 Floating head assembly 钻机卡钎套
    4350266220 elbow 浮动头总成
    5726802127 Time delay relay 弯头
    5726802228 Large maintenance package 延时继电器
    3002608450 Small maintenance kit 大保养包
    3002608440 Secondary air filter 小保养包
    1091263134 Primary air filter 二级空气滤芯
    1094263133 Control harnesses 一级空气滤芯
    5726802374 Solenoid valve coil 控制线束
    5726804191 valve 电磁阀线圈
    5726804218 Two-way hydraulic lock
    5726804221 Hydraulic oil temperature switch 双向液压锁
    51618510 Hydraulic tank respirator 液压油温度开关
    52306461 Throttle pressure switch 液压油箱呼吸器
    50805100 Oil and gas separator 油门压力开关
    22291280 Oil-water separator 油气分离器
    52322443 glib 油水分离器
    850001010 Right guide wheel assembly 油嘴
    530090700 Right final drive assembly 右导向轮总成
    57006000 Wiper arm 右最终传动装置总成
    52125861 Wiper arm 雨刷臂
    57541153 Wiper motor (top) 雨刷臂
    52319928 Wiper motor (front) 雨刷电机(顶)
    52319936 Wiper blades 雨刷电机(前)
    52331113 Wiper blades 雨刷片
    57541138 bearing 雨刷片
    5726801439 Slewing head gearbox assembly 轴承
    5726800999 Terminal block 回转头减速箱总成
    9124808100 bearing 接线板
    501000028 Transfer switch 轴承
    5726582386 Generator fuel filter 转换开关
    52322468 Generator water filter 发电机燃油滤芯
    56264245 Engine oil filter 发电机水滤心
    35362235 Engine fuel filter 发动机机油滤芯
    5232243 Oil return filter element (hydraulic oil) 发动机燃油滤芯
    57677254 Oil filter element 回油滤芯(液压油)
    36860336 Air intake filter (inside) 机油滤芯
    35123520 Air intake filter (outside) 进气滤芯(内)
    35123512 Pilot filter element 进气滤芯(外)
    52293289 Key switch 先导滤芯
    51607299 piston 钥匙开关
    510030021 Sprocket 活塞
    500001011 Sprocket shaft 链轮
    310010012 axis 链轮轴
    530090106 Pilot operated valve body
    52302031 Oil cap 先导控制阀体
    5L-2952 Distribution valves 机油盖
    51949303 Distribution valve sealing 配流阀
    51949311 Ball tooth brazing head holding ring 配流阀密封
    92050395 Sprocket 球齿钎头保持环
    3121215134 Sprocket bushings 链轮
    3121215132 Travel motor piston 链轮衬套
    3121250054 Retaining rings for travel motor holes 行走马达活塞
    3121250051 Copper sleeve for travel motor 行走马达孔用挡圈
    3121250046 Travel motor inner sleeve 行走马达铜套
    3121250048 Travel motor gas distribution spool 行走马达内套
    3121250060 Travel motor valve sleeve 行走马达配气阀芯
    3121250061 Pilot operated relief valve 行走马达配气阀套
    52301033 Auxiliary pump relief valve 先导溢流阀
    57698896 Relief valves 辅泵溢流阀
    52104395 Main pump 溢流阀
    52314382 Drill rack skateboard 主泵
    51782522 bearing 钻架滑板
    95362158 bearing 轴承
    95362190 seal 轴承
    51780567 Dust removal hydraulic motor 密封
    52304508 Big arm oil seal 除尘液压马达
    51992428 High pressure tubing 大臂油封
    57137986 Impactor front connector 高压油管
    92050398 Start the motor 冲击器前接头
    9771080003 Dustproof seal 起动马达
    51728350 Start the machine 防尘密封
    3222328497 relief valve 启动机
    1092034835 Roof glass 安全阀
    5726800625 Spiral protective sleeve 车顶玻璃
    3128022400 Wiper arm 螺旋保护套
    5726800769 Open air delay valve 雨刮臂
    5726803275 Power head spindle 开风延迟阀
    5726801445 Pulse diaphragm valve 动力头主轴
    5726800477 Wiper motor 脉冲膜片阀
    5726800768 Wipers 刮水器电机
    5726800770 Feed module valve assembly 雨刮
    52326485 Feed module valve assembly 进给模块阀组件
    52326501 Carrier rollers 进给模块阀组件
    57695637 Fan blades 托链轮
    88250121-862 Final drive 风扇叶
    530060000 Slide 最终驱动装置
    3121215739 Slide baffles 滑道
    3121215740 Main drill pipe (domestic) 滑道挡板
    51788487-A Y-ring 主钻杆(国产)
    151220408 Output shaft Y型密封圈
    530020201 Impactor 输出轴
    92060088 drill pipe 冲击器
    89009348 drill bit 钻杆
    92060097 Manipulator card 钻头
    5726808518 Remove the lever caliper tiles 机械手卡
    5726808415 Fuel filter 拆杆卡钳瓦片
    5726809829 Vacuum pipe (rear section) 燃油滤清器
    3214621500 Joint 吸尘管(后段)
    5726809180 Propulsion chain 接头
    5726808398 Vacuum hood 推进链条
    5726808432 Vacuum pipe (front section) 吸尘罩
    3222314547 Vacuum bag 吸尘管(前段)
    3214623802 Starting drill pipe (domestic) 吸尘袋
    51985893-A Drill pipe fitting joint (domestic) 起始钻杆(国产)
    52100427-A Locking sleeve large copper sleeve 钻杆适配接头(国产)
    52126109 Repair kits 锁定套大铜套
    52282183 Solenoid valve repair kit 修理包
    57686446 Oil-water separator 电磁阀修理包
    133-5673 Plunger block 油水分离器
    51949196 spring 柱塞缸体
    51949329 Slewing gearbox O-ring 弹簧
    3121233066 Sealing rings 回转减速箱O型密封圈
    3121210136 Sealing components 密封圈
    51944494 Drive wheels 密封组件
    530060001 Screw oil filter element 驱动轮
    R2-165672 Hydraulic main pump repair kit 螺杆油滤芯
    52322294 Air filter 液压主泵修理包
    5726809761 Compressed air filter 空气滤芯
    5726809422 Power head on the slide 压缩空气滤芯
    5726808379 Power head slide tabs 动力头上滑片
    5727808380 Rotary head maintenance kit 动力头下滑片
    5726809759 Oil return filter element 回转头保养包
    3222333740 Fuel/water separator 回油滤芯
    5726809831 Dust collector filter element 燃油/水分离器
    3000321295 Fuel filter 收尘器滤芯
    5726809828 Oil filter 燃油滤清器
    5726809832 Power head catheter 机油滤清器
    5726804363 Rear connector 动力头导管
    92060029 Front connector 后接头
    92060036 Power head hydraulic motor 前接头
    5726800088 Radiator oil pump 动力头液压马达
    52284676 Relief valve 散热器油泵
    57511446 Triple pump repair kit 减压阀
    58027467 hose 三联泵修理包
    57580516 Rubber rings 软管
    KQG150.02.03.13 Joint 胶圈
    530070016 Nipple 接头
    530110100 turbine 涡轮
    51910875 Pin sleeve 销套
    51788545 Pin shaft 销轴
    51788552 Pin sleeve 销套
    51909364 Circlips 卡簧
    51992444 Pitch cylinder repair kit 俯仰油缸修理包
    51992410 Swing cylinder repair kit 摆动油缸修理包
    52320694 O-rings O型圈
    3222323847 Drill arm cylinder assembly 钻臂油缸总成
    51788362 Propulsion drive gears 推进驱动齿轮
    3216765500 Diesel tank cover 柴油箱盖
    3222340120 Discharge rod cylinder seal repair kit 卸杆油缸密封修理包
    3176001299 Air filter vacuum switch 空滤真空开关
    1092067600 Tank cover 水箱盖
    51618825 Pin shaft 销轴
    51618817 cogs 齿轮
    KQG150Y-02.02.07 DTH drilling wedge iron 潜孔钻楔铁
    KQG150Y-02.02.00 DTH drill skateboard 潜孔钻滑板
    238-2717 piston ring 活塞环
    265-1113 piston ring 活塞环
    223-9150 Connecting rod 连杆
    260-4855 Intake valve seat insert 进气门座圈
    52320702 O-rings O型圈
    51719664 O-rings O型圈
    197-8393 Gas pressure sensor 气体压力传感器
    197-8391 Temperature sensor 温度传感器
    210-1747 Inlet pressure sensor 进气压力传感器
    197-8392 Water temperature sensor 水温传感器
    197-8396 Speed sensor 转速传感器
    197-8397 Speed sensor 转速传感器
    57578718 Exhaust pipe insulation 排气管隔热层
    2657792749 High and low pressure regulators 高低压调压阀
    3715060000 Plugs 堵头
    3176542900 cap
    3715059700 cap
    3715081900 cap
    3176002608 Cable B104 电缆B104
    3176002631 Cable B118 电缆B118
    3222328203 Duct AP2 风管AP2
    574325584 High pressure tubing 高压油管
    574326007 High pressure tubing 高压油管
    574325609 High pressure tubing 高压油管
    398-9550 Engine thermostat housing 发动机节温器壳体
    339-8176 piston 活塞
    292-0484 Plain bearings (connecting rod watts) 滑动轴承(连杆大瓦)
    211-0587 Plain bearings (crankbearings) 滑动轴承(曲轴瓦)
    268-2953 Valve guides 气门导管
    224-1270 Exhaust valve seat ring 排气门座圈
    303-1383 Cylinder block 缸体
    3222188161 Compressor air filter (external filter element) 压缩机空滤(外滤芯)
    1202804092 Air compressor oil filter element 空压机机油滤芯
    3222188151 Engine air filter (external filter element) 发动机空滤(外滤芯)
    3222188162 Compressor air filter (inner filter element) 压缩机空滤(内滤芯)
    3115342503 hose 软管
    3115182200 Low pressure accumulator diaphragm 低压蓄能器膜片
    3115247200 High pressure accumulator diaphragm 高压蓄能器膜片
    3115026200 Valve 气门
    3115192602 Oil return accumulator diaphragm 回油蓄能器膜片
    3217052800 Dust collection cover 收尘罩
    347610042 Hoop 抱箍
    7C1583 Rear end cover pad 后端盖垫
    229-5711 Upper seal 上密封
    226-4755 Front crankshaft oil seal 前曲轴油封
    246-3144 Pushpad 止推板
    223-7852 Front cover pad 前端盖垫
    9X-7378 seal 密封
    223-5220 Oil pump 机油泵
    227-4892 Machine filter seat cushion 机滤座垫
    104-3560 seal 密封
    9X-7430 seal 密封
    6V-5063 seal 密封
    6V-5049 seal 密封
    9S-8004 seal 密封
    9S-8008 seal 密封
    115-2972 Plain bearings (connecting rod tiles) 滑动轴承(连杆小瓦)
    3222317308 Lubricate the pump 润滑泵
    574226911 High pressure tubing 高压油管
    5726808381 cogs 齿轮
    5726808497 Needle roller bearings 滚针轴承
    5726808393 Pin shaft 销轴
    5726808394 Retaining rings 挡圈
    5726809189 board
    3121215412 Bushings 衬套
    3121215410 External housing 外轴承座
    500450017 The boom head supports the copper sleeve No. 2 大臂头支撑铜套2号
    500450140 The propulsion beam supports the copper sleeve 推进梁支撑铜套
    3222324654 The propulsion beam supports the arm shaft pin 推进梁支撑臂轴销
    500450071 Rotating beam small arm copper sleeve No. 1 旋转梁小支臂铜套1号
    5726801946 Fuel tank liner 燃油箱内垫
    500450129 Rotating beam small arm copper sleeve No. 2 旋转梁小支臂铜套2号
    500450127 The big arm head supports the copper sleeve No. 3 大臂头支撑铜套3号
    5726808460 Clamp block 夹块
    KQG150-02.01.02 axis
    2914866200 Air filter housing 空气滤芯壳
    139435 Loading and unloading control valves 加卸载控制阀
    88021199 Dust collector filter element 收尘器滤芯
    57761959 Idle pressure switch 怠速压力开关
    51607430 Air compressor oil temperature sensor 空压机油温度传感器
    530020400 Silencer assembly 消音器组件
    530020302 bolt 螺栓
    810008020 nut 螺母
    814003030 pin
    530111100 Propel gearbox 推进减速箱
    00.00.05 Rope wheels 绳轮
    07.00.02 Walking wheel pin 行走轮销
    90515311 drill pipe 钻杆
    1604132802 Air compressor oil and gas separator filter element 空压机油气分离器滤芯
    166-2905 Oil pan pads 油底壳垫
    3115265000 Rock drill drive sleeve 凿岩机驱动套
    3115167100 Pilot sleeve 前导套
    574326541 Hydraulic hose 液压油管
    5726809283 Ducts 风管
    3222311362 Remove the table kava gasket 拆卸台卡瓦垫片
    3176000309 Relays 继电器
    3222323124 Clamping hydraulic cylinder 夹持液压缸
    3222320974 Hydraulic oil gear oil pump 液压油齿轮油泵
    352-0205 Engine cooling water pump 发动机冷却水泵
    5726800003 Butter pump 黄油泵
    5726808205 Oil cylinder 油缸
    5726809745 Motor 电机
    90510339 drill bit 钻头
    3176652000 Rock drill duct joints 凿岩机风管接头
    3128077001 Roller 滚轮
    3222310756 Diesel filter element (fine) 柴油滤芯(细)
    574426711 trachea 气管
    92050326 drill bit 钻头
    3222328666 Hydraulic cylinder manipulator 液压缸机械手
    5726801446 cogs 齿轮
    5726800056 cogs 齿轮
    5726800996 Hermetically sealed 气密封
    5726801441 cogs 齿轮
    3222334003 Hood side door struts 机罩边门撑杆
    3222334006 Hood side door struts 机罩边门撑杆
    3222336759 Sensor B134 感应器B134
    5726809592 Coupling 联轴器
    5726809744 fan 风扇
    5726809586 Joiner disks 联接盘
    3222319183 Fan wheels 风扇轮
    3222335874 Lube oil pump 润滑油泵
    5726809732 Guide wheel set 导向轮组
    3222332266 Connect the rubber tray 2 连接胶盘2
    LF3970 Oil filter 机油滤清器
    858953006 Complete set of wearing parts 成套易损件
    530170008 Slide 滑道
    858953007 Complete set of wearing parts 成套易损件
    5726808424 Card sets 卡套
    3128240703 Manipulator kava 机械手卡瓦
    3222314757 Relief valve 减压阀
    3222309468 Return to the wire rope 返回钢丝绳
    3222188142 Filter 滤芯
    3222188132 Filter 滤芯
    3128078411 Pull the wire rope 拉钢丝绳
    KQG150-02.03.00 Shock-absorbing joint assembly 减震接头总成
    KQG150-78.18-27 Drive chain 传动链条
    3222330764 valve
    3176000288 sensor 传感器
    3222334206 sensor 传感器
    3222326391 Repair kits 修理包
    3222330149 Hydraulic cylinders 液压缸
    3222330765 Pilot operated high-pressure main air valve 先导高压主风阀
    3222148800 sensor 传感器
    5726801347 Drilling rig lift propulsion cylinder connectors 钻机提升推进油缸连接器
    3222326608 gasket 垫片
    3222319985 Pin shaft 销轴
    55A Rig impactor 钻机冲击器
    HD55A/∮138 drill bit 钻头
    90516129 Brazing tail 钎尾
    9106177534 Oil level sensor 油量传感器
    3222312958 switch 开关
    3214767482 Pressure regulator 调压阀
    3222327547 Level sensors 液面传感器
    3176464305 cable 电缆
    3222320802 pulley 滑轮
    3222323245 Pulley bearings 滑轮轴承
    3176842400 Joint 接头
    3176796800 Joint 接头
    3176797000 Joint 接头
    5726809280 vitta 油管
    3176796900 Joint 接头
    574127011 vitta 油管
    574326543 vitta 油管
    5726807851 vitta 油管
    5726807852 vitta 油管
    3222332541 Water pump solenoid valve 水泵电磁阀
    3176001615 Programmable controller 可编程控制器
    3176002609 B361 water level sensor B361水位传感器
    3222330790 B361 water level sensor cable B361水位传感器电缆
    3222323763 Dust collection cylinder rubber guard 集尘筒橡胶护板
    10R-3262 Engine injectors 发动机喷油器
    3222338539 Impactor lubrication pump 冲击器润滑泵
    9106219985 B352 fuel sensor B352燃油传感器
    5726807734 Balanced manifold 平衡阀块
    3222043800 Dust collection cleaning valve 集尘清灰阀
    2N-5243 Oil seals 油封
    224-2675 Oil seals 油封
    227-5075 Oil seals 油封
    3S-9643 Oil seals 油封
    197-9326 Clasp 卡环
    9Y-0810 Wear sleeve 耐磨套
    276-7222 Oil cooling nozzles 机油冷却喷嘴
    263-4920 Injector copper sleeve 喷油器铜套
    524-6478 Piston pin 活塞销
    469-5315 Cylinder liners 缸套
    437-1409 Water blocking circle 阻水圈
    3222331881 Lift the propulsion cylinder 提升推进油缸
    163-2478 Valve oil seals 气门油封
    2A-4429 Valve lock plates 气门锁片
    5D-9344 O-rings O型圈
    6V-5134 O-rings O型圈
    3E-6788 O-rings O型圈
    8J-4351 O-rings O型圈
    346-4897 O-rings O型圈
    228-7090 O-rings O型圈
    197-8418 gasket 垫片
    5P-8068 O-rings O型圈
    6V-3834 O-rings O型圈
    197-8419 gasket 垫片
    283-2238 Exhaust pipe pad 排气管垫
    6V-6353 O-rings O型圈
    5726800993 Power head spindle 动力头主轴
    030.3.12 Rubber rings 胶圈
    02.03.11 Rubber rings 胶圈
    4350262010 Air link components 空气链接组件
    3176840200 glib 油嘴
    3222318586 High pressure tubing AP17 高压油管AP17
    3222318587 High pressure tubing AP15 高压油管AP15
    5507643800 High pressure tubing AP16 高压油管AP16
    574454411 High pressure tubing 高压油管
    574325615 High pressure tubing 高压油管
    02.03.12 Rubber rings 胶圈
    3222326384 Gripper cylinder seal package 夹持器油缸密封包
    92050511 Impactor check valve 冲击器逆止阀
    95962742 O-rings O型环
    230-3518 Intake pipe pad 进气管垫
    IR-0762 Wood filter 柴滤
    225-6948 O-rings O型圈
    326-1643 Oil-water separator filter element 油水分离器滤芯
    IR-0716 Machine filter 机滤
    1604530701 Air compressor lubricating oil 空压机润滑油
    23/8 Rig adapters 钻机转换接头
    5726800994 Septum 隔垫
    574125576 High pressure tubing 高压油管
    574125608 Large frame turntable main air duct 大架转盘主风管
    5726801099 Drill pipe magazine center axis 钻杆库中心轴
    3222323849 The girder acts up and down the cylinder 大梁上下动作油缸
    3222327365 Girder undergirder splint 大梁下夹板
    3222327363 Splint on the girder 大梁上夹板
    3128306180 Splint on the power head 动力头上夹板
    3128306181 Power head under-splint 动力头下夹板
    666719001 Sealing rings 密封圈
    5726808440 Clamp block 夹块
    5726808860 Combination switch 组合开关
    5726808865 Combination switch 组合开关
    5726808863 Combination switch 组合开关
    3222330766 Large and small damper solenoid valve 大小风阀电磁阀
    4350265046 Sealing rings 密封圈
    89000648 Start the drill pipe 启动钻杆
    3222101804 Hydraulic oil return filter element 液压油回油滤芯
    89001253 Impactor front connector 冲击器前接头
    3222327530 Diesel filter element 柴油滤芯
    4350258408 Slewing head 1000H maintenance kit 回转头1000H保养包
    4350258407 Slewing head 500H maintenance kit 回转头500H保养包
    3222324303 Rubber elbows 橡胶弯头
    3216635501 hose 软管
    3176000310 Relay holder 继电器座
    1604636482 Oil and gas separator 油气分离器
    3222324780 Manipulator tiles 机械手夹瓦
    3222188152 Rig air filter element set 钻机空气滤芯组套
    3222324302 hose 软管
    574328911 hose 软管
    574328611 hose 软管
    3176464303 Solenoid valve 电磁阀
    574125588 Drilling rig high pressure air duct 钻机高压风管
    3222329623 exhaust pipe 排气管
    574327611 hose 软管
    73851249 hose 软管
    3176000172 Rig swing pressure switch 钻机回转压力开关
    574025511 High pressure hose 高压软管
    3222323658 Wire rope 钢丝绳
    574325556 High pressure hose 高压软管
    9110999694 Quickly lift the solenoid coil 快速提升电磁线圈
    3176464304 Solenoid valve coil 电磁阀线圈
    574325555 High pressure tubing 高压油管
    3222323657 Wire rope 钢丝绳
    2910300500 Pressure regulator 调压阀
    3222323635 cable 电缆
    3115350790 Rotary motor seal package 旋转马达密封包
    574125589 High pressure air duct 高压风管
    3222329287 Pressure sensors 压力传感器
    3222323636 cable 电缆
    3222329288 sensor 传感器
    8204423407 Vacuuming cylinder 吸尘气缸
    9122182603 Handrail cylinder 扶杆油缸
    3222324905 condenser 冷凝器
    5726808439 Gasket 密封垫
    5726808473 board
    5726808453 gasket 垫片
    5726808456 gasket 垫片
    3216000009 Propulsion pressure gauge 推进压力表
    574125679 High pressure air duct 高压风管
    574000074 hose 软管
    574125604 Main air duct 主风管
    3222320883 Changeover valve 转换阀
    92060163 Keep the ring 保持环
    3222338361 Manipulator cylinder 机械手油缸
    251-1005 Engine C11 rocker arm 发动机C11摇臂
    224-3030 Engine exhaust valve 发动机排气阀门
    223-7467 Engine C11 camshaft 发动机C11凸轮轴
    224-3028 Engine C11 intake valve 发动机C11进气阀门
    150898584 Torsion spring 扭转弹簧
    238-6721 Engine thermostat seat assembly 发动机节温器座总成
    FF5866 Fuel filter 燃油滤清器
    FS36230 Fuel/water separator 燃油/水分离器
    FS20123 Fuel/water separator 燃油/水分离器
    51991495 Impactor front connector 冲击器前接头
    95086351 Keep the ring O-ring 保持环O型圈
    3222317581 Standard hydraulic motor 标准液压马达
    92050432 DTH hammer 潜孔锤
    3222309929 Dust collection tube 收尘管
    3222309930 Dust collection tube 收尘管
    5254169 Flame-out switch 熄火开关
    3217651301 Flow limiter 限流器
    3222316982 Rubber disc 橡胶盘
    5726801193 Pin shaft 销轴
    3222300855 Small dust collection tube 小收尘管
    8231101804 Hydraulic oil return filter element 液压油回油滤芯
    1604132882 Oil and gas separator filter element 油气分离器滤芯
    89000681 Main drill pipe 主钻管
    9106230321 Special hydraulic oil 专用液压油
    3222332409 Wire rope 钢丝绳
    3222323740 The turntable pushes the wire rope 转盘推进钢丝绳
    51786333 Relays 继电器
    52326527 Feed module valve assembly 进给模块阀组件
    57717381 Feed module valve assembly 进给模块阀组件
    52326469 Feed module pressure reducing valve 进给模块减压阀
    51792042 Tensioning cylinder sealing assembly 张紧油缸密封组件
    570090200 Rollers 支重轮
    51618833 bearing 轴承
    820000203 bearing 轴承
    820000204 bearing 轴承
    820000207 bearing 轴承
    52115649 Main pump load pressure sensor 主泵负载压力传感器
    57767824 Main air valve 主风阀
    KQG150A-04-1-12 spindle 主轴
    51788487 Main drill pipe 主钻杆
    530090204 axis
    820000307 bearing 轴承
    530090202 Oil seals 油封
    530090302 Right-chain rail section 右链轨节
    530090301 Left chain rail section 左链轨节
    530090303 sleeve 套筒
    530090304 Chain rail section pins 链轨节销子
    530090306 Chain rail link joint pins 链轨节接头销子
    820000208 bearing 轴承
    821000819 bearing 轴承
    530130004 Sleeve 轴套
    530130005 Bushings 衬套
    530130008 Bushings 衬套
    530130016 Bushings 衬套
    118-2797 Gasket 密封垫
    Feb-04 Intake pipe 19 进气管19
    95357786 O-rings O型圈
    51788537 Pin shaft 销轴
    3222323476 Power head lifting wire rope 动力头提升钢丝绳
    3222323656 Wire rope 钢丝绳
    3128307488 Slider 滑块
    544210600 Butter spout 黄油嘴
    544215300 Butter spout 黄油嘴
    544216200 Butter spout 黄油嘴
    3222326371 Butter spout 黄油嘴
    5726500090 Butter spout 黄油嘴
    3222325114 Manipulator stopper 机械手挡杆
    3222326230 Oil filter element 机油滤芯
    221-9392 Cylinder gasket 汽缸垫
    3B-0623 Water blockage 水堵
    128-0317 Magnetic water seal 磁性水封
    223-9143 impeller 叶轮
    223-9144 axis
    1B-3867 bearing 轴承
    92060047 Front connector DHD5 前接头DHD5
    92060085 Rear connector DHD5 后接头DHD5
    92060045 Guide sleeve DHD5 导向套DHD5
    56762206 Solenoid valve 电磁阀
    81359619 ring
    QLA280 water pump 水泵
    3121250348 End caps 端盖
    197-8394 Oil pressure sensor 机油压力传感器
    53000100 drill pipe 钻杆
    530000001 Drill pipe bushings 钻杆衬套
    52100427 Drill pipe fitting joint 钻杆适配接头
    51992030 drill bit 钻头
    51987006 Drill bit card 钻头卡
    51996569 Drill bit bearings 钻头轴承
    51987014 Drill bit bearing retaining ring 钻头轴承保持环
    530090100 Left guide wheel assembly 左导向轮总成
    KQG150-02.02.04 Slewing mechanism slider 回转机构滑块
    KQG150A-04-6-17 Shock-absorbing joint body 减震接头体
    KQG150-02.03.15 Metal column pins 金属柱销
    KQG150-02.01.15 cogs 齿轮
    52126034 Slewing reducer spindle 回转减速机主轴
    851057300 Piston O-rings 活塞O型圈
    530130017 Bushings 衬套
    530110004 worm 蜗杆
    510020051 Two-stage axles 二级轮轴
    530010300 bracket 支架
    530010004 axis
    530010003 Sprocket bushings 链轮衬套
    530010005 Sprocket 链轮
    840107180 Slewing motor 回转马达
    841315053 Ball valve 球阀
    841002553 Rotary pressure reducing valve 回转减压阀
    840207040 Propulsion motor 推进马达
    530000039 Connector V 接头V
    KQG150-02.01.14 Secondary gear shaft 二级齿轮轴
    57693814 pump
    3222318933 Dust collection element 集尘滤芯
    31208061900 key
    3217651301 Orifice 节流孔
    89000681 Main drill pipe 主钻管
    3E9900 Oil 机油
    5726801369 kava 卡瓦
    5726803212 Air filter 空气滤芯
    5726803234 Air filter 空气滤芯
    1615713600 Screw oil 螺杆油
    7.01103E+11 bolt 螺栓
    3222326070 Filter 滤芯
    5726801432 seal 密封
    92050329 Brazing head 钎头
    3128082907 Jaw 钳口
    89010203 Drill pipes 钻管
    1630016100 Air compressor oil 空压机油
    300704-00012 Wiper 雨刮器
    92050433 Impactor outer casing 冲击器外套管
    663210614 seal 密封
    663210989 seal 密封
    92060108 Impactor DHD5 冲击器DHD5
    92060106 drill bit 钻头
    52080124 Chain connectors 链连接片
    5726802204 Temperature switch 温度开关
    DTF-3 High temperature solenoid valve 高温电磁阀
    95022372 O-rings O型圈
    35104082 Lock nut 锁紧螺母
    35610195 bearing 轴承
    851057250 Piston O-rings 活塞O型圈
    510050005 Spline shaft 花键轴
    510050018 spring 弹簧
    51780377 Feed chain tensioning cylinder 进给链条涨紧油缸
    51999886 Chain guarding pulleys 护链滑轮
    KQG150A-02.01.25 Gland 压盖
    KQG150A-02.03.08 Snap rings 卡圈
    KQG150A-02.03.01 Connect the disk 上连接盘
    510050024 Clutch plate 离合器片
    510050035 Clutch lever 离合杆
    841122554 Operated valve assembly 操作阀总成
    TMY18 Oil pump motor blades 油泵马达叶片
    1R-1808 Oil filter element 机油滤芯
    841004054 Pressure regulator 调压阀
    52105392 Power switch 电源开关
    530170014 Nylon slider 尼龙滑块
    210221300 Front connector 前接头
    148-2063 Valve tappet drive assembly 气门挺杆传动组件
    841014053 Pressure regulator 调压阀
    104-3568 Valve ejector 气门顶杆
    183-4365 Adjust the bolts 调整螺栓
    7C-1798 Adjust the bolts 调整螺栓
    2-51-8MPA Rig ducts 钻机风管
    530200108 Slewing motor blades 回转马达叶片
    1626088200 Oil filter element 油滤芯
    7H3598 Track bolts 履带螺栓
    RH-14AC-165J48 Brazing head 钎头
    51780625 Lifting chain 提升链条
    5726500810 Rollers 支重轮
    3177308500 Dust collection hydraulic motor 收尘液压马达
    5726801440 Power head swing motor 动力头回转马达
    52089810 Air pressure regulating valve 气压调节阀
    81893749 filter 过滤器
    12141177 English vane motor 英叶片马达
    1604132881 Oil and gas separator 油气分离器
    3222330985 Dust control valve repair kit 除尘调节阀修理包
    5726802455 insurance 保险
    5726802453 insurance 保险
    5726802452 Relays 继电器
    5726802454 insurance 保险
    3222332081 Dust removal filter element 除尘滤芯
    5726801438 Seal on the swing 回转上密封
    52127925 Butter pump seal repair kit 黄油泵密封修理包
    52482F control panel 控制面板
    510050007 Planetary gear 行星轮
    510050014 Internal gears 内齿轮
    510050003 crankshaft 曲轴
    KQG150-02.01.21 cogs 齿轮
    D559B-8M relief valve 安全阀
    02250064-284 breakers 断路器
    40BDLT21 Screw plugs 螺塞
    101242247 Vane fan motor 叶片风马达
    530130011 Bushings 衬套
    820000112 bearing 轴承
    827000118 bearing 轴承
    151220408 Y-ring Y型密封圈
    35610203 bearing 轴承
    35337583 Spacer ring 隔环
    39919485 Mechanical seals 机械密封件
    3121215246 Internal connector 内接头
    3121215248 Rubber pads 橡胶垫
    3121215249 External connector 外接头
    210221510 Impactor 冲击器
    51944536 Repair kits 修理包
    3121235218 Hose assembly 胶管总成
    52325255 Hydraulic pipes 液压管
    3222314746 DCT control block DCT控制块
    247-7133 Thermostat 节温器
    7L-6580 O-rings O型圈
    249-0713 Injector 喷油器
    51618809 bearing 轴承
    3166865 Oil injection valve 注油阀
    SPX-06/08X25 Hydraulic oil filter 液压油滤油器
    150952332 Hydraulic oil pump 液压油泵
    52282175 Rotary head repair kit 回转头修理包
    52135399 Bearing outer ring 轴承外圈
    52135225 Bearing outer ring 轴承外圈
    52135381 Bearing inner ring 轴承内圈
    52135233 Bearing inner ring 轴承内圈
    760-52126034 spindle 主轴
    52105400 converter 转换器
    52344868 Impactor 冲击器
    92050329 drill bit 钻头
    157741019 Vane air motor 叶片气马达
    3222148800 sensor 传感器
    5726801335 Guards kava 护杆器卡瓦
    666600068 Seal under the swing 回转下密封
    1202804093 Air compressor oil filtration 空压机油滤清
    1089957980 Adjust the pressure sensor 调节压力传感器
    5726804185 Hydraulic tank return filter element 液压油箱回油滤芯
    5726801074 Adapts to the connection sleeve 适配连接套
    92060099 Brazing head 钎头
    3128061900 key
    2911011702 Oil and gas separator filter element 油气分离器滤芯
    5726804879 compressor 压缩机
    3222343531 barometer 气压表
    5726801845 respirator 呼吸器
    5726803211 Engine air filter element external filtration 发动机空气滤芯外滤
    57761843 Electromagnet coils 电磁铁线圈
    540050001 Box 箱体
    51955805 HP55 impactor outer sleeve HP55冲击器外套管
    52126042 Bearing housing 轴承箱体
    51955748 HP55 impactor front connector HP55冲击器前接头
    51788289 Pin shaft 销轴
    51788255 Guide wheels 导轮
    233-5220 Oil pump 机油泵
    51949212 Plunger repair kit 柱塞修理包
    530130015 Pin shaft 销轴
    53013003 Link pole 链接杆
    51949220 Plunger rims 柱塞轮圈
    52126125 Outer shell cover 壳体外盖
    52135191 Enclosure housing 箱体外壳
    3222332476 Wire rope 钢丝绳
    5726803241 Relief valve 减压阀
    5726802188 Hydraulic oil temperature sensor 液压油温度传感器
    3222327586 dynamo 发电机
    2911992100 High and low regulator maintenance kit 高低调压阀保养包
    3222324923 Slide 2 (steel sheet) 滑片2(钢皮)
    3222326754 Slide 1 (steel sheet) 滑片1(钢皮)
    3222312610 Lube oil pump piston part maintenance kit 润滑油泵活塞部分保养包
    3222316451 Lubricating oil pump solenoid directional valve part maintenance kit 润滑油泵电磁换向阀部分保养包
    5726802190 Hydraulic oil level sensor 液压油位传感器
    5726804429 Oil filter element 机油滤芯
    3121210139 Pressure regulator 调压阀
    3121215638 Propel gearbox 推进减速箱
    52311479 Triple pump 三联泵
    150930486 Oil filter 滤油器
    92050412 QL340 impactor QL340冲击器
    57911166 Duplex pump 双联泵
    151217644 muffler 消音器
    3121210171 Slewing fan motor 回转风马达
    3121250011 Rotary fan motor blades 回转风马达叶片
    530090518 Check valve 单向阀
    530090200 Rollers 支重轮
    858953709 Carriage swing cylinder seal assembly 滑架摆动油缸密封组件
    858953366 Frame floating cylinder seal assembly 车架浮动油缸密封组件
    858963439 Compensate for cylinder seal assembly 补偿油缸密封组件
    3222330263 Distribution valve sealing 分配阀密封
    9120092036 Seal the package 密封包
    1261100008 Distribution valve sealing 分配阀密封
    3222326372 Lift the propulsion cylinder seal pack 提升推进油缸密封包
    3222320797 Pulley supports 滑轮支座
    3222137500 Filter indicator 滤波指示器
    3222314220 Gear oil pump seal package 齿轮油泵密封包
    3222188153 Air filter cover 空气滤清器盖
    3222326658 Lift control valve spool 提升控制阀阀芯
    349-2654 Water pump seals 水泵密封圈
    5726804198 Solenoid valve 电磁阀
    3222340219 Pick up the rod cylinder repair kit 取杆油缸修理包
    KQG150A-01-24 Walking glide wheels 行走下滑轮
    858953675 Drill arm lifting cylinder sealing assembly 钻臂升降油缸密封组件
    823000019 Check valve 单向阀
    50757723 Keep the ring 保持环
    5726801673 Gas pressure spring 气压弹簧
    5726804208 Push pressure regulator 推进压力调压阀
    5726804209 Rotary pressure regulator 旋转压力调压阀
    3222316754 relief valve 安全阀
    89001328 Short adapter 短接杆
    51715795 gasket 垫片
    13.15.00 Gearbox movable body 减速箱活动体
    KQG150-01.00.05 Brazing lining tiles 钎托衬瓦
    KQG150A-19-2 Dry dust collector cyclone 干式除尘器旋风筒
    KQG150A-01-25 Copper sleeve 铜套
    KQG150A-19-3 Dry dust collector filter box 干式除尘器过滤箱
    KQG150A-01-21 Walking glide axles 行走下滑轮轴
    KQG150A-01-6 Walking wheel frame 行走轮架
    5726802176 Circuit board 电路板
    5726800995 Spacers 隔片
    5726809821 Tank cover 水箱盖
    5726808389 Rubber rollers 橡胶滚筒
    872238170 Hose assembly 胶管总成
    5740184229 Solenoid valve coil 电磁阀线圈
    5726809461 Solenoid valve coil 电磁阀线圈
    5726808206 Oil cylinder 油缸
    502110066 bearing 轴承
    3121215135 spring 弹簧
    3222336148 Take rod cylinder 取杆油缸
    3176879100 Hydraulic oil temperature control valve 液压油温度控制阀
    3176000311 Lifting relay 1 提升继电器1
    228-5810 Engine water pump back cover 发动机水泵后盖
    3222330090 Shaker kava 扶钎器卡瓦
    3222325639 Fuel line 5 燃油管5
    3222325638 Fuel line 4 燃油管4
    3222327763 Fuel line 7 燃油管7
    3222325637 Fuel line 3 燃油管3
    3222325635 Fuel line 1 燃油管1
    3222325636 Fuel line 2 燃油管2
    3222325640 Fuel line 6 燃油管6
    6060003888 Engine generator 发动机发电机
    51618247 Pressure gauge 压力表
    530020300 Shock absorbing joints 减震接头
    863115213 Carriage tilting cylinder 滑架倾斜油缸
    530040009 Bushings 衬套
    530040011 Bushings 衬套
    530130021 Bushings 衬套
    530130025 Bushings 衬套
    530060014 bolt 螺栓
    530130006 Pin shaft 销轴
    530130009 Pin shaft 销轴
    530130013 Pin shaft 销轴
    530130018 Pin shaft 销轴
    530130022 Pin shaft 销轴
    530130024 Pin shaft 销轴
    KQG150-07.01.00 Walking pulley shaft 行走滑轮轴
    KQG150-18.00.00 Lower pole feeder 下送杆器
    KQG150-17.00.00 Lower pole feeder 下送杆器
    KQG150-07.01.07 cover
    51996189 Impactor front connector 冲击器前接头
    07.01.09 Oil envelope 油封套
    07.00.03 Track shoes 履带板
    02.01.27 Central gas supply mechanism 中心供气机构
    07.08.00 Walking rear pulley axle 行走后滑轮轴
    10.00.00 Electric hoist assembly 电动卷扬筒总成
    02.01.32 Gearbox movable body 减速箱活动体
    DL8X-3-4 Multi-way feeder lever holder 送杆托杆器多路
    QIUB-50 Intake pipe lubricator Landing large frame multi-pipe 进气管油雾器
    ZFS-L10C-YT-0 Engine turbocharger 起落大架多管路
    264-1425 Angle sensor 发动机涡轮增压器
    3222343049 Slewing head telescopic sleeve 角度传感器
    4350265041 hose 回转头伸缩套
    3217957826 valve 软管
    3161063200 Y250 cable
    3217988212 Power head 2000 hours maintenance package Y250电缆
    4350258440 Solenoid valve coil 动力头2000小时保养包
    3177309255 Hydraulic tank ventilation filter element 电磁阀线圈
    3222118000 Intercooled hose 液压油箱通气滤芯
    3222335023 Operation handle 中冷软管
    3222353551 hose 操作手柄
    3222325022 Hydraulic oil respirators 软管
    3222318729 hose 液压油呼吸器
    3222325021 XRFB1 hydraulic hose 软管
    3217957810 381 valve XRFB1液压油管
    3222326896 Intercooled hose 381阀
    3222324105 Y250 solenoid valve coil 中冷软管
    3222310610 High wind switch Y250电磁阀线圈
    3217958161 hose 高风开关
    3222326651 Pressure sensors 软管
    3222310892 BS2 hydraulic hose 压力传感器
    3176685500 Seal the package BS2液压油管
    9120092036 B360 cable 密封包
    3222331454 hose B360电缆
    3222331885 hose 软管
    3222331886 valve 软管
    3222330283 Y253 solenoid valve
    3222330920 Pole holder rotary switch Y253电磁阀
    51780542 Rig check valve 储杆器旋转开关
    CM341 spring 钻机单向阀
    39329800 Secondary planetary wheel 弹簧
    530020206 Pin shaft 二级行星轮
    530130026 Drill boom 销轴
    530040100 Chain guard 钻臂架
    51997740 Impactor 护链
    RH6M148R3N4006 seal 冲击器
    8C-3100 water pump 密封
    176-7000 Water sealed 水泵
    147-5088 Slider 水密封
    3121215745 Air compressor end repair kit 滑块
    36024040 Oil pump motor blades 空压机气端修理包
    530200159 Oil filter element 油泵马达叶片
    1R-0716 Pressure switch 机油滤芯
    57761918 Pressure switch 压力开关
    57761926 Clamps 压力开关
    51785988 Power head 1000H repair kit 卡箍
    4350258430 Floating head repair kit 动力头1000H修理包
    4350276053 Impactor adjustment pad 浮动头修理包
    50763739 Impactor holding ring DHD360 冲击器调整垫
    50757723 Impactor O-ring DHD360 冲击器保持环DHD360
    95358073 Impactor guide sleeve DHD360 冲击器O型圈DHD360
    50757715 Impactor spring 冲击器导向套DHD360
    50757707 Impactor circlips 冲击器弹簧
    51292233 Impactor conditioning plug 冲击器卡簧
    50899129 Impactor O-ring 冲击器调气塞子
    95358412 Impactor spring 冲击器O型圈
    51033660 Impactor gas distribution seat 冲击器弹簧
    50899145 Impactor piston 冲击器配气座
    50942457 Impactor O-ring 冲击器活塞
    95137220 Cooling fan motor 冲击器O型圈
    3222333479 pump 冷却风扇马达
    5726807898 Pressure regulator
    3176864100 Minimum pressure holding valve 调压阀
    1604252402 Power head spindle 最小压力保持阀
    5726804366 Shock absorbing pads 动力头主轴
    1619504400 Hydraulic motor 减震垫
    3177307200 bearing 液压马达
    5726801443 ball bearing 轴承
    502111300 Dust collector filter element 滚珠轴承
    57714388 Dust collector filter element 集尘器滤芯
    57714388 Compressor oil filtration 集尘器滤芯
    36860336 Hydraulic oil return filter element 压缩机油滤清
    57677254 Oil and gas separation filter element 液压油回油滤芯
    35856376 Rig engine starter motor 油气分离滤芯
    CM760 Secondary planetary wheel 钻机发动机启动马达
    530020208 Generator parameter table 二级行星轮
    52326568 valve 发电机参数表
    52082989 Bonnet
    51793685 Valve plates 阀盖
    53119566 Bleed valve 阀片
    842610008 Rig air motor blades 放气阀
    CM341 fork 钻机风动马达叶片
    530000003 Frame floating cylinder repair kit 叉子
    859034106 Retaining rings 车架浮动油缸修理包
    530090105 cushion 挡圈
    530020218 cushion
    530020219 cushion
    530090102 gasket
    510050006 Clamp strips 垫片
    51785970 Hoops 夹条
    52284825 pin 箍圈
    51005486 pin
    51005452 Cylinder repair kit
    51944486 Dust collection hose 油缸修理包
    57703746 Dust collection hose 收尘软管
    51785962 Temperature control switch 收尘软管
    36865756 Minimum pressure maintenance valve 温控开关
    51728236 Pressure regulating device 最小压力维持阀
    81372831 manometer 压力调节装置
    81664658 Unloading valve 压力计
    51903508 Gas valve repair kit 卸荷阀
    52330875 Slewing gearbox 气阀修理包
    530020200 High pressure air duct 回转减速箱
    5Ⅱ-20000 seal 高压风管
    214-7566 seal 密封
    5P-5598 seal 密封
    166-2904 seal 密封
    214-7568 Engine exhaust pipes 密封
    3222327858 K5 relay 发动机排气管
    3176000038 K11 relay K5继电器
    3176000272 DTH2 duct K11继电器
    574125605 AP21 tubing DTH2风管
    574227011 AP6 tubing AP21油管
    3176685600 chain AP6油管
    3121231011 Sprocket adjustment nut 链条
    3121215130 bracket 链轮调整螺母
    3121215155 Engine diesel filtration 支架
    1R-0749 Engine maintenance water filtration 发动机柴油滤清
    111-2369 Engine pre-filled water filtration 发动机维护水滤清
    9N-6123 Air conditioning filter 发动机预充水滤清
    52319886 Air filter (inside) 空调滤芯
    35123520 Air filter (outside) 空气滤芯(内)
    35123512 Pilot filter element 空气滤芯(外)
    52293289 Drilling rig travel motor 先导滤芯
    CM341 Hydraulic tank booster 钻机行走马达
    52306479 Drilling oil pump motor 液压油箱增压器
    CM341 Keep the ring O-ring 钻机油泵马达
    95086351 O-rings 保持环O型圈
    95962742 O-rings O型环
    853552450 YX sealed O型密封圈
    151215077 washer YX密封
    510010134 D-wrench 垫圈
    530000004 Adapter fittings 丁型扳手
    530000012 bolt 过渡接头
    800320030 Front support shaft 螺栓
    510010018 DTH drill bits 前支撑轴
    ∮115 Output shaft 潜孔钻头
    340030003 The outer pipe is blocked 输出轴
    842907008 Pin shaft 外方管堵
    510050004 Piston rings for travel motors 销轴
    TMH6A Oil seals 行走马达活塞环
    858312040 Thrust bushing 油封
    150631035 Brake housing 止推衬套
    510050320 Sleeve 制动箱体
    500010133 chain 轴套
    833201305 Engine computer board 链条
    348-2378 Fuel injector assembly 发动机电脑板
    212-3467 Roller glanding 喷油嘴总成
    530090001 Filter 支重轮压盖
    86727289 Lower roller 滤芯
    57695629 accumulator 下支重轮
    1092064100 Jet pumps 电瓶
    52331212 Chain links 喷射泵
    833201316 Oil pump assembly 链节
    9778990045 Air compressor oil filter element 油泵总成
    1R-0739 Relays 空压机机油滤芯
    57741985 Carriage compensation cylinder seal assembly 继电器
    862180000 Oil cylinder 滑架补偿油缸密封组件
    51909117 B136 cable 油缸
    3176464448 GP1 tubing B136电缆
    3217957815 Solenoid valve GP1油管
    1089045107 Air filter cover 电磁阀
    5726803213 Lift motor 空气滤芯器盖
    5726807732 Hydraulic hose 提升马达
    5726807858 Ducts 液压油管
    5726809284 Rubber coupling 风管
    5726804282 Hollow sleeve 橡胶联轴器
    5726804288 Rubber coupling 空心套
    5726804281 Hollow sleeve 橡胶联轴器
    5726804287 Exhaust valve 空心套
    3121232079 bearing 排气阀
    3121230024 Output shaft 轴承
    3121215219 YX seals (tracks) 输出轴
    856610050 YX seals (tracks) YX密封圈(履带)
    856710050 INSURANCE(10AMP) YX密封圈(履带)
    52116662 INSURANCE(15AMP) 保险(10AMP)
    52116654 INSURANCE(20AMP) 保险(15AMP)
    52116647 INSURANCE(25AMP) 保险(20AMP)
    52135423 INSURANCE(30AMP) 保险(25AMP)
    52117421 Dust cover 保险(30AMP)
    52137171 Bushings 捕尘罩
    530000002 Charger belt 衬套
    52322534 Rig impactor 充电机皮带
    CM341 spring 钻机冲击器
    51857274 bulb 弹簧
    51618437 bulb 灯泡
    51716124 drill pipe 灯泡
    CM351-000100 bearing 钻杆
    820007518 washer 轴承
    530020204 Needle rolling 垫圈
    823333523 Stage 1 planetary carriage 滚针
    530020215 washer 一级行星轮架
    530020214 Pin shaft 垫圈
    530020217 washer 销轴
    530020221 washer 垫圈
    530020223 Sprocket 垫圈
    500010111 Sprocket shaft 链轮
    510010012 Throttling plugs 链轮轴
    530020017 Internal ring gear 节流塞
    530020212 Spring collar for shaft 内齿圈
    530020205 Joint 轴用弹簧卡圈
    95359410 Nipple 接头
    530020000 Slewing machine 回转机
    52313913 Exhaust elbows 排气弯管
    52315629 Tube card 管卡
    52315652 exhaust pipe 排气管
    52315660 Exhaust elbows 排气弯管
    52315678 Exhaust elbows 排气弯管
    51608123 Tube card 管卡
    52091295 Spherical bearings 关节轴承
    KQG150.02.01.18 Gear shafts 齿轮轴
    115-2989 exhaust pipe 排气管
    109-5313 Exhaust pads 排气垫
    7W-5164 Air intake cushions 进气垫
    1S-4295 Exhaust pads 排气垫
    3222343172 Engine oil filtration 发动机机油滤清
    3222343173 Fuel filtration 燃油滤清
    3222343171 Fuel/water separation filtration 燃油/水分离滤清
    3121215220 Air intake sleeve 进气套
    3121230048 bearing 轴承
    92060160 QL5 impactor QL5冲击器
    3222330916 Coupling 联轴器
    3216000014 Air pressure gauge 风压表
    5726808977 Wiring harnesses 线束
    5726809550 Compressor belt 压缩机皮带
    5726807854 hose 软管
    5726807857 hose 软管
    5726808687 hose 软管
    5726809465 Fan belt 风扇皮带
    3222330246 Temperature sensor 温度传感器
    92060050 Keep the ring O-ring 保持环O型圈
    92060161 Impactor front connector 冲击器前接头
    54371612 Solenoid valve 电磁阀
    530020209 washer 垫圈
    530020210 washer 垫圈
    52322146 Overhead light bulbs 顶灯灯泡
    51793461 timer 定时器
    52130960 Timer insurance 定时器保险
    52311537 Positioning valves 定位阀
    52321213 Single set of positioning valves 定位阀单组
    51997245 Positioning sleeve 定位套
    CM341 Drilling rig multi-way directional valve 钻机多路换向阀
    530020224 Secondary solar wheel 二级太阳轮
    51991099 Slewing reducer spindle seal 回转减速机主轴密封
    52126075 Rotary head housing 回转头壳体
    51619492 Relays 继电器
    530020202 Air intake sleeve 进气套
    530040014 Bushings 衬套
    820003611 bearing 轴承
    540060003 Sleeve 轴套
    820060311 bearing 轴承
    540060004 cover
    540060007 Output shaft 输出轴
    852650170 O-rings O型密封圈
    851800120 O-rings O型密封圈
    853550580 O-rings O型密封圈
    500070015 Rectangular seal 矩形密封圈
    500070002 Rectangular seal 矩形密封圈
    853550630 O-rings O型圈
    530090103 cover
    52326832 Open air valve 开风阀
    FS36210 Fuel/water separator 燃油/水分离器
    FS20124 Fuel/water separator 燃油/水分离器
    FF5612 Fuel filter 燃油滤清器

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