Atlas Copco China & Canada Supplier

Atlas Copco GA132,GA160 Air Receivers and Related Parts Numbers Catalog

Air tanks and air compressor factory

If you are working with Air Compressors you should be familiar with the air receivers. In this post, we will talk about Atlas Copco GA132, GA160 Air receivers and the related parts and the parts Numbers Catalog. If you often import the Atlas Copco compressors or the spare parts, no mater genuine original or high quality replacement parts, please feel free to send us the name plates picture references and the designated parts numbers and we will quote to you instantly. Most importantly, our Atlas Copco parts prices are unbeatable in China.

Atlas Copco Compressors GA132-GA160 Air Receiver Catalog

Ref. Part number         Qty   Name                 Remarks o5fE0ggAACCCCAQDiBIfkGPoQGSAjLWJcAAAAASUVORK5CYII=

Ref.     Part number         Qty   Name                 Remarks
4050    1614 6957 00    ·    1       Washer
4055    1621 4975 00    ·    1       Ring
4060    1621 4976 00    ·    1       Nut
4065    9125 7289 00    ·    1       Set screw
4070    0663 2106 58    ·    1       O-ring
4075    0147 1365 03    ·    6       Bolt
5010    0603 4107 03          1       Hexagon nipple
5015                                  1       Tee
0564 0000 81                    ASME
0564 0000 81                    CHINA
0564 0000 81                    DIR
0564 0000 81                    SINGAPORE
1       Air receiver
1621 9360 85                    ASME
1621 9360 80                    CE
1621 9360 85                    CHINA
1621 9360 85                    DIR
1621 9360 85                    SINGAPORE
1010 ·    1       Valve housing
1621 9364 05                    ASME
1621 9364 08                    CE
1621 9364 05                    CHINA
1621 9364 05                    DIR
1621 9364 05                    SINGAPORE
2 005
0564 0000 81 6.9bar(e) CE
0663 2109 45    ·    1 O-ring
0663 2109 45    ·    1 O-ring 0564 0000 82 7.5bar(e) CE
1614 9089 00    ·    1 Pivot pin 0564 0000 82 8.5bar(e) CE
0301 2394 00    ·    12 Washer 0564 0000 81 8.6bar(e) CE
0147 1964 55    ·    12 Bolt 0564 0000 81 10bar(e) CE
·    1 Vessel 0564 0000 81 10.4bar(e) CE
1621 9360 05
1621 9360 08
ASME CE 0564 0000 81
0564 0000 81
13bar(e) CE 13.8bar(e) CE
1621 9360 05                    CHINA
1621 9360 05                    DIR
1621 9360 05                    SINGAPORE
2010    2250 2528 00   ··    1       Plug
2015    0661 1000 31   ··    1       Seal washer
3015    0348 0101 12          3       Cable tie
3020    0147 1377 03          3       Bolt
3025    0661 1000 31          3       Seal washer
3035    1614 9428 00          1       Shield
3040    1614 9094 00          1       Bushing
3045    1621 9385 00          1       Oil sep.element
3050    0147 1479 03          1       Bolt
3055    1614 9184 00          1       Level gauge
3060    0661 1038 00          1       Sealing washer
5020                                  1       Flat gasket
0653 1189 00                    ASME
0653 1189 00                    CHINA
0653 1189 00                    DIR
0653 1189 00                    SINGAPORE
0653 1189 00                    6.9bar(e) CE
0653 1227 00                    7.5bar(e) CE
0653 1227 00                    8.5bar(e) CE
0653 1189 00                    8.6bar(e) CE
0653 1189 00                    10bar(e) CE
0653 1189 00                    10.4bar(e) CE
0653 1189 00                    13bar(e) CE
0653 1189 00                    13.8bar(e) CE
5025                                  1       Safetyvalve
3065 1619 6249 00 1 Nipple 0830 1008 13 ASME id Plus
id Plus
3070 1621 9144 00 1 Hose assembly 0830 1008 13 CHINA
3075 1614 9146 00 1 Plug 0830 1008 13 DIR
3080 0653 1124 00 1 Flat gasket 0830 1008 13 SINGAPORE
3085 1614 9141 00 1 Scavenge line 0830 1008 13 6.9bar(e) CE
3090 0564 0000 34 1 Tee 0830 1008 18 7.5bar(e) CE
3095 0603 4105 03 1 Hexagon nipple 0830 1008 18 8.5bar(e) CE
3100 0661 1000 29 1 Seal washer 0830 1008 13 8.6bar(e) CE
3105 0571 0035 05 1 Nipple 0830 1008 13 10bar(e) CE
3110 0574 8231 35 1 Hose assembly 0830 1008 13 10.4bar(e) CE
1614 6478 80 1 Min. press. valve 0830 1008 13 13bar(e) CE
4010 1621 4977 00    ·    1       Piston                                                       0830 1008 13                    13.8bar(e) CE
4015 0665 0701 39    ·    1       Back-up ring                                 6020                                  1       Oil can
4020 1614 6477 00    ·    1       Sleeve                                                       1613 6532 01                    Roto Inject Flu
4025 2253 1860 00    ·    1       Spring                                                       1623 0488 00                    HD-Rotofluid
4030 1614 6478 00    ·    1       Cover                                            6025                                  1       Label
4035 0147 1958 97    ·    2       Bolt                                                           1079 9909 57                    Roto Inject Flu
4040 0301 2335 00    ·    2       Washer                                                     1079 9925 87                    HD-Rotofluid
4045 1621 4324 00    ·    1       Shaft

China Atlas Copco Compressors and Parts Supplier – Chengdu Pudding Mechatronic Co.CPMC

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Chengdu Pudding Mechatronic.Co CPMC China Air Compressor Distributor

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